
Entrepreneurial Gap

I recently came across a blog post that mentioned an intriguing concept, the "entrepreneurial gap." The idea is straightforward: give people more accountability than they have the direct resources to accomplish.

In many organizations employees are generally held accountable only for things fully within their control. So while the CEO has both all the resources of the company and the ability to make decisions that cause major tradeoffs (sacrificing profit for growth, for example), a manager of a team is only given projects big enough for that team to accomplish and goals big enough for that team to meet.

The entrepreneurial gap comes in when you give people bigger accountability than they have the direct ability to execute against. This is in many ways the classic startup move. You hire people and give them enough freedom to accomplish whatever they can manage to accomplish. Because early startup employees tend to be very entrepreneurial they often find a way to do just that, to gather support from other people in the organization and align efforts to produce outsized results. I think this is an important element of a growth business, something that inspires great people to work for a company, and produces a really fun culture to work in.

But, there's a trap.

The entrepreneurial gap works incredibly well when you give teams aligned goals. If you read the first case studies in the paper, you will see that in all of the examples the CEOs focused the company on a few goals, and in fact in all three examples there was a very strong emphasis on the customer. In companies where everyone is working ultimately towards the same goals, the entrepreneurial gap is awesome because it encourages people to work together and identify opportunities and efficiencies, especially cross-functionally, that may otherwise be lost.

Unfortunately, it is just as common to see companies put in place both an entrepreneurial gap and too many or misaligned goals. When you are in direct competition with your peers for scarce resources and you are not going to be graded on the same outcomes, the entrepreneurial gap produces a toxic environment of politics and power plays. Perhaps the best idea sometimes wins in these situations, but more often the best political players rule the day.

So what do we take away from this?

Organizational alignment is important because it lets you successfully ask more from people than the resources they have at hand. Without organizational alignment, you get political maneuvering. Without stretching people beyond their direct control, you get a lack of collaboration and creative cross-functional engagement. Set the right priorities and give people the freedom to stretch to them, and you will see the full potential of your organization come to life.

(The paper again: The Entrepreneurial Gap: How Managers Adjust Span of Accountability and Span of Control to Implement Business Strategy)

The Siren Songs of Hack Day Projects

I love hack days. I think spending a day every now and then to just work on whatever inspires you is one of the best trends of the last five years. Whether you use it to try out a new idea, fix a problem that's been bothering you for months, or play with a new tool, it's a great use of engineering time.

However, we can't forget the seductive illusion of the hack. When you have one day to make something, and you decide to make something new, you make it however you can. You don't write tests (unless perhaps you are the most enlightened TDDer). You don't worry about edge cases. You don't plan for scale. You're playing! You're having fun! You're creating something beautiful and impressive that can bring new frontiers to your business!

What's the downside? A good hack day produces ideas and projects that you want to put into production. But when the time comes to actually take those projects and make them production-worthy it's often quite a letdown. At Rent the Runway we've seen this happen twice over our two hack days. On the first, the whole team worked on a project to rebuild "Rent the Runway" on a completely new platform. The story goes that they got 80% of the way through in one 24 hour binge. 80%! This incredible feat actually lead us to say that we would move the entire site off of our existing platform within the next 3-4 months. Heck, if we could get 80% of the site rewritten by the whole team working for a day, surely we could get the site rewritten completely in a few months.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that we all bought into the hype of the 80% completion for longer than we should've. In reality, the 80% completion was more like "80% of basic functionality completed", which is still very impressive but ignores the 50% of required functionality that goes well beyond basic. A 3-4 month rewrite timeline might be realistic if you could take the entire engineering team, build no new features, and eventually ship something similar but not quite the same. Of course, none of these things are ever true.

The most recent hack day had some of our engineers build a very cool project utilizing our reviews data. So cool, in fact, that our product team latched on to it and decided to make it into a full-fledged major launch. Success! And now... we're just finishing a couple of intense weeks of project planning for what is quickly turning into a man-year's worth of an engineering project. It will be cool when it launches, but I don't think any of us expected this cool thing that took a day to hack to turn into 4 engineers working for three full months just to get a polished v1.

The hack day siren song can also cause you to fall in love with your hack so much you don't see the cost to making it production-ready. I've known of engineers that went off on their own and neglected their other duties for projects that would never see the light of production due to their complexity and questionable business value. It's hard to complain when people are working on something they're passionate about, but it's important for a team to feel like they are all working toward the same goal, and that can be difficult when some members are spending most of their time tinkering with side projects.

I'm jaded and boring, so my most recent hack day project took some images that were stored in the database and put them on the CDN. It took me longer than anticipated, but I wrote tests and made it work in both production and staging and released it that day. (My expected 2 hour hack still took me closer to 6 hours end to end.) It also enabled other hack day projects, which was really the point. At the end of the day, I'm glad most of the engineers I work with use their hack days to shoot for the moon, even if the final results always take longer to achieve than we hope and maybe spill over past that one day. After all, what's the point in fast-loading images if no one ever views them?

Code Reviews, Code Stories

Code reviews are a tool that incites a lot of strong emotions from developers. Those who love them write tweets like 
Code review is hard - both reviewing and being reviewed make people cranky. But I know of no better way to make great software. -- @yminsky
This tweet, even in its adoration, still captures some of what people hate about code reviews. They make people cranky, to put it mildly. I personally don't like code reviews very much. In my experience, they are just as likely used to bully, score points, or waste time on pedantic style notes as they are to produce great software. In fact, I think code reviews are absolutely necessary only in three kinds of situations:

1) You don't have good automated testing practices in place to catch most errors at or before checkin.
2) You work on a big project with a very geographically distant team of developers (most open source).
3) You work in a company of many developers and huge code bases where strict style conformity is very important.

In my company, we have one team that falls into slot number 1, and they do code reviews for all checkins. The rest of the team does ad-hoc code reviews and occasional code walkthroughs, and we rely on the heavy use of testing to ensure quality. In general I feel that this enables a good mix of code correctness and checkin velocity.

The one thing this misses, though, is the required opportunity for developers to learn from each other. I like pair programming, and encourage my developers to do it when they are first starting projects or figuring out tricky bugs. But a lot of the time my developers are working in parallel on different code bases, and I felt that we were missing that learning moment that code reviews and pairing can provide. So I started asking people in interviews how they encouraged their team to work together and learn from each other, and I got a great suggestion: encourage the developers to show off work that they're proud of to other team members. Thus the Power Hour was born.

"Power Hour" is an hour that we do every Friday morning with my team and our sister team of warehouse developers. In that hour every developer pairs up with someone else and they take turns sharing something they did that week. Show off something you're proud of, ask for help with a problem you're stuck on, or get feedback on the way something was or is being designed. The power and choice of what to show lies in the hands of the person showing it, which takes away the punitive nature of code reviews; all they are required to do is to share some code. Show off, get help/feedback, and then switch. It's not about code review, that line-by-line analysis and search for errors big and small. It's about code stories, whether they are war stories, success stories, or stories still being written.

There are a lot of features of code review that this Power Hour doesn't satisfy. It's not a quiet opportunity to evaluate someone else's code without them looking over your shoulder. It's driven by the person that wrote the code and they are encouraged to highlight the good parts and maybe even completely bypass the ugly parts. It's not possible for the other person to fully judge the quality of what they're seeing, because judging isn't the point at all. Power Hour is a learning and sharing opportunity, and it is explicitly not an occasion for judging.

This has turned out to be a smashing success. It's amazing how much you can teach and learn in a concentrated hour of working with another person. Last week I showed off a new Redis-based caching implementation I wrote, and got to see all the code and a demo of a new Shiro authentication and entitlement system. I caught a few things I still needed to clean up in the process of explaining my work, and so did my partner. If you, like me, shun formal code reviews, I encourage you to try out a weekly turn at code stories. It's a great way to build up teamwork, encourage excellence, and produce great software, without the crankiness.

Process Debt and Team Scalability

Most of us in tech spend time thinking about technical debt. Whether it's a short-term loan or a massive mortgage, we've all seen the benefits and costs of managing and planning a code base with technical debt, and we are generally familiar with ways to identify, measure and eliminate this debt.

What about process debt? Process debt is a lot like technical debt, in that it can be a hack or a lack. The lack of process as debt is pretty easy to see. For example, never bothering to create an automated continuous build for your project. That's a fine piece of process to avoid when you have only one or two developers working on a code base, but as your team grows, your lack of process will start to take its toll in broken code and wasted developer time.

There are also plenty of ugly process hacks. Take for example the problem of a team of varying skill levels, and a code base that is increasingly polluted by poorly formatted, totally unreadable code. When faced with this problem you may be tempted to institute a rule where every line of code must be reviewed by a teammate. Later you discover that the two people with the worst style are reviewing each other, and things still aren't improving enough. So you declare that everyone must have their code reviewed by one of the senior developers that you have appointed. Now you have better style, but at the cost of everyone's productivity, especially your senior developers.

Adding code reviews was the easiest path to take. You just hacked in some process instead of paying up front to think about what the best process would be. But process, once added, is hard to remove. This is especially true for process intended to alleviate risk. Maybe you realize after a few months that the folks with questionable style have learned the ropes, and you remove the rule. But what if you added code reviews not to fix a style problem, but to act as a risk mitigant? I've done this myself in the case of a code base with very little automated testing and a string of bad releases. I'm now paying for my technical debt (a lack of automated testing) by taking out a loan on process.

An easy way to identify process debt is to ask yourself the following question: Will this solution still work when I have twice as many developers? What about ten times as many? A hundred? Process debt, like technical debt, makes scaling very difficult. If every decision requires several meetings and a sign-off, if every git pull is a roll of the dice for your continued productivity, or if you have to hire three project managers for every five developers just to keep track of the task list, you're drowning yourself in process debt.

Developers are wary of process because we too often experience process debt of the hack sort. I believe that both a lack of process and an excess of process can cause problems, but if we begin to look at process debt with the same awareness and calculations that we apply to technical debt, we can refactor our playbook the way we refactor our code and end up with something functional, simple, and maybe even elegant.

Yes, and...

I have a terrible habit. When confronted with a new idea, any idea, my knee-jerk instinct is to find its flaws. Or, to put it more succinctly, I'm a "no, wait!" kind of person. You want to add a new feature into my library? No, wait! That won't maintain API backwards-compatibility! No, wait! No one but you really needs that, why should we put it in a library used by everyone? No, wait! The work that will take us to review overwhelms it's worth as a new feature.

There is a well-trod school of thought that says to maintain creative collaboration, anytime you want to say "no, wait!", "no, but" or even just "but", you should instead start the conversation with "Yes, and". Want to add a new feature into my library? Yes, and we will have to think about how to add it without breaking API backwards-compatibility. Yes, and we should see what other community members think about the usefulness of the feature. Yes, and we'll have to evaluate the work that it will take to correctly implement and review.

"Yes, and" is a great baby step on the path to thought leadership and productive collaboration. But let's face it, it's easy to get a bit snarky with our yeses. Yes, and six months later, we'll have another release. Yes, and you can be on hand to fix the bugs that come in. Yes, and why don't we rewrite the whole thing in Scala while we're at it? (Watch Peggy struggle with this on Mad Men[16:50], when Megan shows her work)

So how do you really take "yes, and" to heart? My boss, who is a natural at this sort of thing, taught me one of his favorite tactics. It's not just saying yes. When a new idea is presented, find at least one positive thing to say about it, and praise that quality first.
 "That is an interesting idea. People using our service to do complex state maintenance could really use this feature, it would save them having to write a lot of code themselves."
The goal of this exercise is not only to keep the flow of positive collaboration going. It is also to force yourself to acknowledge the problem that the idea is trying to solve. You may not think the problem is worth solving, but this is something that your collaborator wants to explore, perhaps because it is causing them pain, perhaps because they have a different set of priorities than you, perhaps because they're simply trying to contribute to the discussion.

I will admit that despite knowing this is the right thing to do, I am absolutely terrible at following this advice in person. My knee-jerk nerd comes out and she is very into scoring points by pointing out flaws. Among the tech community, I'm hardly unique. Read the comments on almost any Hacker News thread if you don't believe me. And yet, the easiest place to start with this is online. You have time to think before you hit send on that email, submit on that comment, post on that tweet. Why not take the time to acknowledge the idea fully before pointing out its downsides? Just because you didn't think of it doesn't mean you lose by making it better.

Valuing time, and teamwork

I have a guilty conscience about my self-perceived deficiencies when it comes to teamwork. I'm just not one of those people that sits at her desk until 10pm every night, or even most nights. I don't like eating dinner at work at all, in fact, and I'm not much for socializing at lunch either. It's not that I don't like my colleagues, or don't want to work hard. But I prefer a more focused day with a break for a meditative workout at lunch, I like to see my boyfriend for dinner at night, and while occasional (or even frequent) after work drinks are fun I enjoy having a social life that does not mostly revolve around work.

Perhaps as homage to my guilty conscience, or perhaps as testament to my impatience with wasted time, I put a lot of energy into doing things right the first time, and setting up systems that make it easier for everyone else to do things right the first time as well. Nothing is more awful to me than spending my time cleaning up foreseeable messes, so instead I've learned to set up automated builds, write and maintain extensive test suites, and monitor them like a hawk to ensure that they stay stable and informative.

What I have come to realize over the years is that when you view time spent as a proxy for dedication, you lose opportunities for productivity gains. We often forget that "laziness" is one of the trio of strength/vices that makes a great programmer:
The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer. Also hence, this book. See also impatience and hubris. (p.609)[Larry Wall]
It's seductively easy to fall into the trap of equating hours spent on work with value produced, but it's as silly as using lines of code as a measure of productivity. Valuing time, your own time, your colleagues time, does not make you less valuable, or less of a team player. If anything, I think many technology teams need more people that know when to take a step back and put things in place so that they can go home at a reasonable hour and live a life outside of work. Which would you rather do, spend 8 hours writing productive code, or spend 6 hours writing productive code and 4 hours fixing bugs that you could've caught with better tests, an automated build, or performance monitoring?

I know what my answer is.